The Way of Yin

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Hawthorne Berry Tea to Harmonize Your Period

From our Embodied Menstruation E-Course. Click here to learn more.

There’s an herb ally you can turn to several days before your period, on your period and a couple days after to reduce uncomfortable symptoms associated with your menstrual cycle like cramping. Seriously, it’s like magic. Plus, it’s good for your heart.

Let me introduce you to the beautiful Hawthorne Berry. It's round, red, a bit sour and a little bit sweet. It’s an amazing herb that you should have on heavy rotation nearing your period. It’s a staple in my house. Not only does it improve digestive function, lower lipid levels and promote blood circulation, it eliminates wastes from your body. It's the perfect combination of benefits for your period phase.

So what’s hawthorne berry?

It’s a commonly used herb in Chinese Medicine. It’s part of the Rose family. It contains fatty acids that aid in fat digestion and because of its sour taste it increases the secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach to promote digestion in general. It has an affinity for blood and the heart so it can effectively improve heart functions and promote circulation. According to Chinese Medicine, the heart sends blood to the uterus to begin the period stage, so proper heart functioning is imperative for a successful period phase. By drinking this tea, you are supporting your heart’s functioning and improving circulation to and in your uterus.

So how do I make it?

Here’s are a couple variations.

Hawthorne Berry Tea; Straight Up!

15-20g of dried, sliced Hawthorne Berries
8 cups of water
A tiny bit of natural sweetener of choice

Bring the dried berries to a boil and then turn down to a slow simmering boil for 10 minutes. Strain. Boom! You’re done. Lightly sweeten to taste and bring it with you wherever you go. Drink several cups a day. Stores well in the refrigerator for several days but I don’t recommend drinking it cold because cold temperatures constrict and we are trying to improve circulation.

**Add several slices of ginger and a cinnamon stick to the above recipe if you tend to run a little cold. Tip: Ginger influences the uterus and leaves the skin on; it acts as a diuretic to ease water retention.**

Hawthorne with Green Tea

15-20g of dried sliced Hawthorne Berries

A small handful of green tea

8 cups of water

A tiny bit of natural sweetener of choice

Bring only the berries to a boil and then turn down to a slow simmering boil for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and add a small handful of loose-leaf green tea; steep for about 5 minutes. Strain. Lightly sweeten to taste and bring it with you wherever you go. Drink several cups a day. Stores well in the refrigerator for several days but again, don’t drink it cold! Warm it up or drink room temp.

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xoxo Kris

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