The Way of Yin

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Holistic Vaginal Health

I remember feeling lost and scared the first time I had a yeast infection in my early 20's. I thought I was really sick and that maybe I had some incurable disease. I visited my doctor and was prescribed an over the counter antifungal medication. There wasn't a conversation of how I got it or how I can prevent it in the future. I was given a diagnosis and medication. Appointment was 5 minutes, tops. Sure, within 3-5 days, my infection subsided, but the recurrence was happening more often than what seemed normal. It became frustrating to see the doctor because I wasn’t getting better and I wasn’t getting any answers; just more prescriptions. The over the counters worked less and less and I was getting more desperate to find relief. It felt like I was just harboring another infection that would just come back with a vengeance at any minute. 

My story is not uncommon. Most of us will  have a yeast infection at some point in our lifetime and the recurrence rate is really high. With these band-aid approaches, the root cause isn't being addressed. It’s sad to say, but our vaginal wellness is not necessarily a priority to most health professionals. 

Even in our modern times, with all of our advances, conventional medical treatments fail us when it comes to vaginal wellness. It's really time for us to educate ourselves, work with our rhythms and seek natural options where we heal all the way to the root. Believe it or not, your personal vaginal wellness is far reaching, and influences your entire wellbeing. Did you know that your vagina has its own ecosystem?

Your vaginal ecology is influenced by your whole body ecology

How are you tending to your garden? It doesn't take much to throw off your vaginal harmony. Each one of us has a delicate balance of moisture, warmth, pH, bacteria and yeast that when in balance, keeps you healthy. If you're struggling to break the vicious cycle of recurring infections, you need to address your whole body ecology. One of my favorite teachers at school told us, “What happens down south, stemmed from the north.” She always emphasized the importance of nutrition and digestive vigor. 

Holistic treatments are very individual because it’s specifically catered to you. But, there are some overarching practical tips for vaginal health: 

  1. Do not wash your vagina/vulva with soap: Most soaps are too alkaline and can cause a huge disruption to your vaginal ecology. All you need is water and your clean fingers. If there are days that you’re sweating a bit more or having an off odor, please do not flush out or over wash your vagina/vulva with regular soap! This will further throw off the balance. Instead, use a pH balanced natural cleanser such as Honey Pot. 

  2. Most vaginal infections have a level of what’s called dampness or ama. This is pathogenic wetness that your body is working hard at correcting. Dampness arises from improper lifestyle, eating, drinking, sleeping patterns and stress management. One place to start is ensuring strong digestion. 

  3. Blood Sugar Regulation: This is a stress that we forget to consider. When we talk about “stress” we usually think about external factors such as work stress, family stress, etc. But, internally, if our blood sugar is not regulated, our body senses danger. Do your best to avoid highs and lows. 

  4. Go Green with your menstrual products. Your vagina is highly absorbent. Make the switch to more natural options that are free of synthetic fragrances and fibers. 

Deep bows & blessings, 


If you’d like to learn more about Holistic Vaginal Health, we have a self study e-course called Sacred Vaginal Ecology :: Jade Gate Health. Ready to join? Click the link below to purchase. 

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