Dao Labs

Delivering wellness through the wisdom of Chinese Medicine

Simple. Effective & Classical Chinese Formulas

Natural, effervescent powders designed to invigorate your senses, awaken your spirit and provide inner balance.

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Women’s Monthly Kit

The Women’s Monthly Kit by DAO Labs pairs two different Chinese herbal formulas, for two different phases of your cycle. Women’s Formula (purple) for better energy, natural replenishment and regularity as you progress into your next cycle. Emotional Balance (green) is used during the PMS phase of her month to reduce stress, mood swings, irritability, fatigue and all the funk that can proceed a cycle.

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Postpartum Bundle

A 30-Day Combination of Two Formulas for PostPartum Recovery

Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding are some of the incredible things that your body can do. They are also profoundly depleting, as any mother will readily attest. We tend to not fully appreciate how taxing the transition to motherhood can be. Provide yourself with replenishing herbs to support your full recovery.

  • A monthly supply of Mental Tranquility reduces fatigue, improves mood, and aids sleep. Take one dose about one hour before bed.

  • A monthly supply of Women’s Formula that supports the rebuilding of blood, and strengthens the body so it can stabilize after birth. Take one dose in the morning.

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Menopause Bundle

A 30 Day Combination of Two Formulas Designed to Ease the Transition to Your “Second Spring”.

In Chinese Medicine, menopause is known as your “Second Spring”, and is a time to be celebrated. It’s a time of re-awakening, when you are no longer tied to the roles and responsibilities associated with fertility and child-rearing. However, this transition isn’t without challenges, and here is where the Menopause Bundle can help. The Menopause Bundle is comprised of:

  • 1 month’s supply of Physical Tranquility to keep the body cool. Take one dose an hour before sleep to promote calm, cool sleep and reduce anxiousness and irritability.

  • 1 month's supply of Emotional Balance to keep your emotions and mood even and calm. Take one dose in the morning and stay calm and balanced throughout the day.


  • Any signs of perimenopause

  • Mood swings, moments of hotness, sleeplessness, anxiousness

  • Gently balancing hormones during the important transition into menopause

Formulas for Balanced Health