Springtime Rose Liquor

Every year, as we get closer to the end of the winter season, I’ll start to make my Rose Liquor in time for Spring. The recipe from last year and then again this year comes from Nutritional Healing with Chinese Medicine.

This Rose Liquor helps to warm the body and increase circulation to relieve stress and open up your senses in the springtime. Rose is heart medicine and courses stagnant liver qi. A little goes a long way. A shot glass worth right before a meal can stimulate digestion. Be mindful & practice moderation.

What you'll need:
➳ Quart size jar

4 Tbsp food grade organic rosebuds

➳ 3 cups of Vodka

➳ 1/4 cup Honey

Gently shake to incorporate the honey. Keep at room temperature for 3 to 4 weeks and gently shake the jar occasionally. When it's ready, strain through a fine mesh sieve and you can store this at room temperature for up to 6 months.



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